Saturday, December 22, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

I  recently found a notebook that I had written in back in Dec 2010 - I had acknowledged all the things that I had accomplished over the year and then I had written out my goals for the upcoming year. It was quite interesting to look over this 2 years later. I realized how had I not written this down (and found it!) then I would not have remembered what I had done in a year. I think at times when a year comes to and end we think that nothing much happened when in fact a lot has. This simpe act of recording our memories, milestones, ups and downs is a well worth practice I believe. So I encourage you all to join me this years end and this years beginning to jot down what you have done and what you want to do, next year check it out and do it again. Much more worth while than New Year Resolutions.
Pick yourself up a nice notebook to record your achievements or use a journal app on your phone or ipad and save the memories.