is slowly coming to life here in Alaska - and with it, a call for a subtle
change in lifestyle as our bodies and minds adjust to a kinder environment. Whilst
the weather has not exactly got any kinder here in the Last Frontier, the days
are defiantly lighter, as are our spirits as we enjoy real sun light, birds
chirping and the promise of warmer, greener days.
we come out of winter we often feel sluggish – time to change our diets some.
houses seem cluttered and dusty as the light comes pouring in – time to clean
and de clutter.
bodies want motion, fresh air, and sunshine – time to get outside and move.
is a great time to help our bodies detox – time for some detox tips.
what are we going to do about this? It is easier to take on a little at a time,
change comes slowly. If we make enormous plans they most probably will never
get into monition. Read the following list of tips and pick one thing to try,
as you master then add another. Do the best you can, any change in the right
direction is a good thing right?
As we come out of winter we often feel sluggish – time to
change our diets some.
Spring is the season of the LIVER and GALL
BLADDER. If you have any weakness in these organs, they may be stressed in
this season. Avoid chemicals in your diet and environment and fried oils,
hydrogenated fats, and the low-quality oils commonly used in most restaurants.
The ideal oils to use are cold-pressed organic, virgin olive oil and coconut
oil and the natural essential fatty acids found in fresh, raw, organic nuts and
seeds. A handful of these Nature foods
daily is helpful and healthful for just about everyone, but don't overdo it. A
little is good, but watch out for excesses.
A very easy to make nutritious drink. According
to the USDA a one ounce serving of chia seeds contains 9 grams of fat, 5
milligrams of sodium, 11 grams of dietary fiber and 4 grams of protein. The
seeds also have 18% of the recommended daily intake of calcium, 27% phosphorus
and 30% manganese. How cool is that?
Here is a great little Chai And
Lime drink that I often Make
- about 10 oz of water
- 1 Tbsp dry chia seeds
- a few teaspoons of fresh lime juice
- honey or agave nectar, to taste (optional)
Stir the chia seeds into the water;
let them sit for about five minutes. Stir again, and let sit for as long
as you like. The more it sits, the more gel-like the seeds and water
become. Add citrus juice and sweetener to taste.
Our houses seem cluttered and dusty as the light comes
pouring in – time to clean and de clutter.
Tackle messes one at a time,
remember that it took some time to get this cluttered, pick one are at a time.
When you buy something new, practice the "in-out rule:" For every one new item, get rid of an old one.
Create intimacy in the master bedroom. When you buy something new, practice the "in-out rule:" For every one new item, get rid of an old one.
Ask yourself if you really need
something. If you hesitate, you don't.
the hanger technique to decide which clothes you are using – eg hang all your
hangers backwards, when you wear an item change the hanger around. Decide on a
time frame that you will work with, maybe 6 months. At the end of this time you
will know which clothes you have not worn and maybe should donate.
Our bodies want motion, fresh air, and sunshine – time to get outside and move.Motion is good for our spirits and our health. With exercise you clean all of your internal organs at the same time. As you exercise, the blood circulates throughout the body, bringing oxygen and nutrients to all the organs and muscles. Exercise also helps lymph fluids circulate the body, which removes toxins and other harmful materials.If you have tapered off with exercise over the winter months why not start out easy,With a short brisk walk dailyPark your car where it requires you to walk furtherTake the stairsSpring is a great time to help our bodies detox – time for some detox tips.Feeling sluggish or out of sync? Having skin problems, aches and pains, or digestive problems? Having trouble kicking off your weight loss? It might be time to help your body detox.Eliminate alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars and saturated fats, all of which act as toxins in the body and are obstacles to your healing process.Also, minimize use of chemical based cleaning products and personal health care products (cleansers, shampoos, deodorants and toothpastes), and substitute with natural products.
Eat plenty of fiber.
Drink at least two quarts of water daily.
Breathe deeply to allow oxygen to circulate more completely through your system.
Sweat in a sauna so your body can eliminate wastes through perspiration.
Exercise.Dry skin brushing is excellent for stimulating lymph and reducing cellulite. Use firm sweeping strokes towards the heart to aid the elimination of fluid. Saunas can be a useful for drying up excess secretions.
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