Friday, April 1, 2016

Spring Is In The Air - Healthy Tips For All The Family

Getting Ready For Spring!

It is very important to prepare our respiratory system for the changing weather that spring will bring. Winter allowed us to store reserves rich in toxins and to decrease our physical stamina, thus respiratory activity slows explaining the pre-spring fatigue many of us feel.
To get things going again we need to begin by regulating the energy of our lungs and our skin; we have to learn again to inhale.  While waiting for the arrival of good fruits and vegetables, let's begin by reducing our consumption of sugars and animal fats. Let's drink more herb teas and less coffee.
It is our respiratory system which will give back the shine to our skin.
In Facial reflexology we focus on reflexes for all the organs and all parts of the body. We stimulate the whole of you through specific touch on the face.  You can also work these areas on your own face.

Try This Daily

 Begin by stimulating your cheeks with gentle finger tip sweeps. the cheeks are the reflex areas for your lungs. Two minutes on each cheek will help to restore clarity and hydration to your lungs. Next you can slowly stimulate the liver reflex, the liver reflex zone is on the right side of the nose. After this lets do the stomach reflex, this zone is opposite the liver reflex on the left side of the nose. one minute each side is good. 

You can also do this wonderful Dien Chan multiflex massage 

Along with stimulating your organs on your face you can also make some lovely facial scrubs and creams.

Exfoliating your face will help to slough away dry skin, leaving your face much softer and smoother. These recipes take about five minutes to make, and the scrub can be used once a week.

Honey Facial Scrub

½ tablespoon raw honey
1 drop lavender essential oil 
1 drop of frankincense essential oil
1 drop  geranium essential oil 


Combine the baking soda and honey together until it looks like a paste.  Add one drop each of lavender, geranium and frankincense essential oils.
Place a warm washcloth over your face and hold on skin for a minute or so to open up your pores.
Gently rub face with facial scrub using small circular motions (be gentle with your skin!).  Keep massaging skin with scrub for 3-5 minutes to fully remove dead skin from face and to let the essential oils work their magic.
Rinse off with warm water.

Please note that when buying essential oils you want to be sure to buy pure oils. The word therapeutic means very little, as any company can tag this word onto their essential oil product. The price is often a good indicator on pureness but not always.  

Oatmeal Honey face Scrub
2 tablespoons ground oatmeal
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon water
1/2 teaspoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon honey

Combine all of these ingredients and stir thoroughly until they form a paste. If you find that it’s too thick, add a bit more water until it’s a consistency that you like. Slather it on your face and use your fingertips to rub it around gently in circular motions. Rinse with warm (not hot) water, and pat dry.

It is also nice to add a moisturizer to your skin after an exfoliating treatment. One of my favorite sites to visit for recipes is The Nerdy Farm Wife - she is amazingly talented. 

 Here is a really simple recipe that is wonderful to get you started.

Beginners Lotion Recipe

1 1/4 cup hot water
1/4 cup emulsifying wax
1/4 cup olive oil ( organic)
10 drops lavender essential oil ( make sure it is good stuff)

Using a double boiler melt the emulsifier wax slowly and when almost melted  add the olive oil. 
Take off the heat and add the hot water to the oil mixture and mix well. let it cool slightly, stirring now and then and then add the lavender essential oil.
Pour the hot lotion into wide mouth pint size jars and let cool overnight. The next morning you’ll have a fresh jar of homemade natural hand lotion! 
You can use a wide variety of different liquid oils in place of the olive oil and you can use any essential oils you like. This is a thin no greasy moisturizer lotion that your whole family will enjoy. 

DISCLOSURE: Please note these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. I am not a doctor. I am simply sharing my experiences.

 There is nothing quite as wonderful as treating yourself to one of my facial treatments , not only incredibly relaxing but also deeply healing.

  • Facial Reflexology
  • Japanese FaceLift
  • Indian Head massage
  • Facial Lymph Drainage  
  • CranioSacral
 Camai Healing 907 317 1331

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